
Sugar Glider Information

Are you looking to get one of these cute little Sugar Gliders.  These exotic pets do require some research and studying up on so it's important to understand the Sugar Glider Information you are reading.  Sugar Gliders live for 10-15 years and do require special care but it's not difficult, you just need to understand their needs.

Here you can learn the proper Nutrition that you need to feed your little Glider, Their are list that you will be able to print off and reference to so you can keep it on hand at all times. Learn what to feed your sugar glider

Housing and Cages for sugar gliders needs to be of appropriate size and you can learn more on the page above on what size and type of sugar glider cage is safe for your sugar glider.

Sugar Gliders are very social pets and need toys, human interaction and other glider interaction.  View sugar glider toys and pouches, also sugar glider bonding pouches.

Bonding to your sugar glider can be hard and take a while, learn methods to help strengthen and speed up the bonding with your sugar glider.